Division - Intermediate

Hello Everyone, Thank you for trying our MelonJam entry.
This is GridLock, a game where you control the traffic lights at various intersections.

The goal is to get cars safely to their exit (the end of the lane they are in) without having any car accidents. 

The controls:

Click on the arrow direction to open up the traffic light context menu

Select the CYCLE button to change the light to the opposite color (green/red)

Select the VIEW button to see the street eye view of the selected traffic light

If the lights are green the cars will go if the lights are red the cars will stop.

If cars tbone at an intersection that will cause the game to end.


Ambulance - 5

Hatchback - 1

Muscle Car - 3

Police - 7

Sedan - 2


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The idea is cool. My favorite part was the traffic light cameras.
